Creating space

Creating space at home is about clearing clutter and paring down belongings to the things that have a function or to things you love. This is not a new concept. Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. William Morris We are all spending more …

Getting Organised one step at a time

My goal is getting organised and making time to write during the lockdown. Firstly I’ve completed a blogging course through Institute of Continuing Education, University of Cambridge, with Louise ‘Daisy’ Johnson as our tutor. Secondly I’ve been reorganising the foodstuffs in my kitchen. The two are connected. Getting organised: Time Managment First topic up on …

Where to donate old towels

Have you ever wondered where to donate old towels?  Does anyone have a use for them.  The answer is yes.  Animal charities can make use of your old towels and bathmats.  We gave ours to the Wild Touch Wildlife Centre when we came across Sully, the Gull in Great Yarmouth on  a Saturday night. Sully …